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The Great Wrestler

The Great Wrestler

Once there lived a Great Wrestler. He had fought many matches and nobody could defeat him. But now, many years had passed since he had played a match and everyone thought that he could not fight anymore. However, he gave wrestling lessons to many students and earned a satisfactory living.

One day, another wrestler from a foreign land came. He challenged the wrestler for a match. The students of the Great Wrestler were worried. This was because the foreigner was young and strong. He hit his opponents mentally as well. The Great wrestler seemed to be a weak opponent against foreigner wrestler who could defeat him easily.

Leaving aside the doubts, the Great Wrestler quietly accepted the challenge. On the day of the match, both the opponents entered the arena. The students of the Great Wrestler and many others gathered to watch the match. As the match began, the foreigner started insulting the Great Wrestler. He called him all sorts of bad names and hurled abuses. However, the Great Wrestler kept quiet and remained calm. This went on for some time. Then the actual wrestling match began. Both wrestlers displayed their abilities but soon the foreign wrestler became tired.  He accepted defeat without fighting further. The Great Wrestler had won without a long fight.

The students were happy but also very surprised. They wondered how the win came to Great Wrestler. They asked “How did you manage to win?” He replied, “Every now and then, people throw their bad or good things to you and put their strength too in doing so. What you do with that is really important. If you don't accept it, then it goes back to the same fellow to whom it belongs. This is a great secret to win or lose in this game of life.”

Moral: If you do not accept, the abuse and the insult, it belongs to the one who gives them.


Q1. What did the great wrestler do to earn his living?

Q2. Who came to visit the wrestler and why?

Q3. Why were the students worried?

Q4. Who won the match and how?


Challenge  :  A situation that requires great mental or physical effort

Hurled       :  Uttered or thrown with great force

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